The Landscaper’s Guide To Sales and Marketing is a weekly video and podcast series dedicated to helping lawn and landscape contractors attract more of the RIGHT customers to Increase Profits + Enjoy A Better Lifestyle. Hosted by Amazon best-selling author, keynote speaker, and Ramblin Jackson CEO Jack Jostes, this show is packed full of the latest green industry sales, marketing, and business trends to keep your business growing in the right direction.
Do you ever wonder what marketing works best for your business? Tune in for today’s episode where you’ll learn some simple exercises you can do to increase the quality and profitability of the marketing at your landscaping company.
Check out today’s podcast episode where I’m going to share with you a really powerful tool that allows you to send personalized sales proposal videos to multiple decision makers.
Tune into today’s episode where we’ll discuss the 3 sales and marketing trends we’ll see in 2021 for landscaping companies.
In this episode we’re going to share some of the challenges that we’ve had in our family and how it pertains to the business and how some coaching work helps us get through it.
In today’s podcast episode, I’m going to share the top three business books lawn and landscape contractors should read.
In today’s podcast episode, you’ll hear an interview with Tom Vachal, the Senior Turf Product Manager at Kubota, and Kenn Ahrens, the National Sales Manager at ECO Incorporated, where we discuss trends they’re seeing in the industry right now AND… a sneak peak look at the upcoming Kubota Turf Talk Event in January.
Check out today’s podcast episode where I’ll share live footage from the recent Landscaper’s Modern Sales and Marketing Summit. In this episode you’ll see one BIG mistake we found on one of our guest’s websites and how it might be affecting his sales.
In today’s episode of The Landscaper’s Guide To Modern Sales and Marketing Podcast I’ll share a book recommendation with you that is all about building lasting relationships with your kids and your family.
Check out today’s video to see an interview with a commercial landscaping contractor about how things have changed over the last 20 years, and what’s working right now.
Listen to today’s podcast episode to learn how to use your smartphone to make videos that can help you simplify your sales process, aid in your recruiting process, and save you time by helping you create training content for new employees.
You and every other landscaping company in town is hiring. But why should people choose to work for you? Check out today’s episode to find out how to create a Unique Employment Proposition that will help you tremendously with your recruiting.
Listen to this episode to hear Jack’s top 3 takeaways from his mastermind conversation about how to use virtual estimates and digital marketing to close more landscaping leads.