Do you ever send your proposals to potential clients via email, but then never hear back from them or frankly do you just forget to follow up yourself? Well, in today's show, I'm going to show you the tool that I use to help me follow up on emails automatically, and this will help you close more sales and you can also use it for customer service and account management. My name is Jack Jostes and welcome to the Landscaper's Guide to Modern Sales & Marketing. The show is all about helping lawn and landscape contractors enjoy a better lifestyle as a result of your business through attracting the right customers with sales and marketing. Let's check out this amazing tool to help you close more deals via email.
The tool is called Boomerang and it works for Gmail and they also have a Boomerang for Outlook. And you can find these at or Now, those of you who are listening to the podcast version, I recommend that you check out this episode either on YouTube or on our website at so you can see some of the things that I'm going to be sharing in a screencast. So essentially this is a tool that you add to your browser that allows you to do a couple of things. One, let's say that you need to be burning some midnight oil, you're working late. I found that if you email people late at night that they're probably working too, and while you think you're going to catch up you don't because everyone's just emailing all the time.
So it has this beautiful feature called 'Send Later', and you can specify just, boom, send it in the morning. That'll send it at 8:00 a.m. Mountain time for me. You can send it a couple of days later. You could use this to Boomerang, somebody a reminder, or even yourself a reminder. So that's the first feature that I really like, is being able to send emails to go out in the future at specific times. Now, you can also cancel them. Let's say it's scheduled and you need to unschedule it. No problem. Now the real gold of Boomerang though, is in the Boomerang follow up. So you can send an email and then click Boomerang in a specific timeframe. If you don't hear a reply, if somebody doesn't click, if something doesn't even open the email, or, regardless, maybe you just want to get it Boomeranged to you.
So I use this a lot when I'm selling, when I'm sending a plan to a client. I'm going to send it to them and set a Boomerang for a week. If I haven't heard back, or probably closer to four days actually is what I would use, I can either call them or email them. Or let's say that you have a meeting with a potential client, you send them a plan, I would Boomerang this thing to come back to you in a week and even a simple followup of, "Hey, wanted to make sure you got this," might help reactivate that client to work with you. So this can also be used when you are doing customer service. Maybe you're doing account management, you're sending things to people where you either need something from them, maybe it's an image or it's a decision on something, using this Boomerang feature can help return it back into your inbox so that way it's real easy to follow up.
So I'm going to go ahead and just send this email and I'm going to schedule it to go in a week to myself, trying to try to sell something. There you go. And the Boomerang, it just comes right back into your inbox with a little notice that says, "Boomerang," and now you can follow up more easily. So I hope you enjoyed this tip. Again, it's Boomerang, it's available for Outlook and for Gmail. And in any case, make sure you're qualifying hard before you even spend the time driving out to meet with people to get to the point where you're going to email something. My number one tip is to make sure you're meeting with qualified leads and that you're qualifying them over the phone before you get to this phase.
So many contractors are just emailing bids to every Tom, Dick, and Harry with a pulse only to close 10 out of 200 leads. I had a guy who was closing 10 out of 200. There goes your profit on that other 190 leads. What if you did half or a quarter even and you closed the same number of sales? You'd save a lot of money. So if you want to learn more about that, check out some other podcast episodes at And if you enjoyed this, send me a Boomerang, send me an email at Thank you very much.