If you're a lawn and landscape company or home improvement company, check out this video to see what's happening right now... What services are people actually Googling more than ever during this whole COVID-19 reopening. I don't know where we're at, but I can tell you that people are searching for a certain type of service and I'm going to give you three sales and marketing tactics to do NOW. Plus one of them is something you can do right away, even if your marketing budget has really taken a hit.
All right, things are certainly heating up. It is may. It is the end of spring, almost summer. And I'm out on a hike. It is a beautiful day and I also know that things are heating up because my three year old son ran straight through the, the uh, the screen door today. He didn't even see it when he was excited to see the garbage truck pulling up outside. So that's how we know it's heating up and all over the country. The economy is starting to reopen. Maybe, I don't know. We'll see. In any case, I trust that you and your customers will know how to stay safe when you're doing business with each other. And one of the things that I want to share with you is something that I'm seeing right now. I have a lot of clients who are doing really well. Honestly, I have clients in California, New York, Texas, all over the country. I'm checking in with my clients and they're really thriving now. Many of them have been working with me for years and we've been helping them with things during this transition period and in the years getting ready. But I wanted to share with you the services that I'm seeing thriving right now.
I'm seeing a huge increase in an unseasonal demand for landscaping, gardening, and home improvement. Now it's heating up and those things typically increase. But what I, what I'm seeing right now, I'm going to share, um, Google trends, which shows you the, the search volume for certain keywords. And you can see that we're at like a 10 year high for gardening, gardening, yes, gardening and even bulk materials like mulch, um, uh, stone yards are doing really well. Right now we're seeing an increase in searches for landscaping, landscape design, lawn care services and home improvement. I'm really blown away by how many searches that are happening on Google right now for home improvement.

As Marcus Sheridan, uh, one of my favorite authors, if they ask you answer, pointed out on his LinkedIn post, he owns a pool company, his pool company is thriving and um, he pointed out, you know, people are stuck at home and they're not traveling, not spending the money they were going to spend on traveling.
I know I personally canceled like four trips, including two weddings. Really bummed about that. And you know, so a lot of people are staying home and they're noticing their yard and their home and, and these home improvement things. So those are some of the services that are really thriving right now. And so I wanted to share with you if you offer those services, three sales and marketing tips that you can execute right now to catch this wave, this boom that is, is, is happening right now and is I I expect to continue. The first one is to focus on your existing customers. Uh, that's what we're doing at Ramblin Jackson. It's all hands on deck serving our clients right now, keeping their websites up to date, security updates, um, little updates around if they're open or not, which is changing almost daily at this time.
Um, and so you want to focus on selling and communicating to your existing clients and you should absolutely be doing things like email marketing, get MailChimp or constant contact if you don't have an email list or even personal one off emails, phone calls, text messages. One of our core values here is be human and pick up the damn phone. So literally call your customers. If you're open and you're available to take on clients or you're starting to build up a wait list, let your existing customers know they're going to be the people who are most likely to buy from you. It'll cost you less money to acquire them in, in marketing dollars to just simply upsell or reactivate an old client. So that would be the number one free thing. I mean it costs time, but if your marketing budget has really been hit and even if it hasn't, I would start there anyways.
Okay. The second thing we're going to want to do is optimize your website for the keywords that people Google. So you want to get found online. So if you can, putting off search engine optimization for years, uh, this is time to do it. I just showed you, uh, you know, the data people are Googling these things and, and I've lots of case studies and clients. If you check out our podcast episodes over the past few weeks, we've been interviewing our clients and they've been sharing what's working in one of them is absolutely digital marketing and getting found on Google. Okay. The third thing that you're going to want to focus on is, is making sure that your sales process, the way that people buy from you is dialed in for this new increasingly remote world where people are expecting to do video conferencing with you or to receive video for you, um, from you.
And what's changed? Is that what you used to do in person, belly to belly? Yeah. We're going to get back to that, but there's going to be more resistance to meeting in person for health concerns. And also people have just grown, used to doing video conferencing and it can be a very leveraged way to streamline your sales process and present things over video conferencing. I was super thrilled to have been featured in total landscape care magazine just last week where they shared one of the live webinars that I did with a landscape designer Sherry stringer about how to use video in your sales process and it's really working well for her and you can see that right up in our show notes. And uh, in addition to altering your sales process, focus on giving people something that they can say yes to, you might need to create or modify, uh, your product offering to something that that is something people can invest in and say yes to.
Maybe they were going to buy a much bigger package from you in the past and maybe you need to offer something new. At Ramblin Jackson, we help landscape contractors really clarify their branding, their sales process. We help them with their website and SEO. Some of those projects can take months and right now we've created a new project. It's a new product. It's the Corona comeback spring cleanup where it's a much smaller project where we can get in, make some changes on your website that are high impact, get some of these things set up on Google for you. So you start generating leads now and maybe we worked together on a bigger project later on. So if you want to learn more about that, uh, we are taking on a select number of clients, balancing how many clients we have and there's actually a huge increase for digital services right now. So we'd like to talk to you soon. If you're interested in that, book a call with us at MeetJackNow.com and we'll just have a simple call where we'll talk to you about your sales, your marketing, what's working for some of our clients and things that you can do right away to get results. So we look forward to talking to you. Book your call at MeetJackNow.com and thanks for checking out this episode and we'll talk to you soon. Have a great week. Talk to you next time.