3 Reasons to Attend The Landscapers Modern Sales and Marketing Summit
Have you had no one -- like absolutely crickets -- respond to your open job ads at your landscaping company? Are you finding that you have to do more with fewer people on your team and your supply chain, and everything is just taking longer than ever? And to make things worse, you're spending time selling to people who aren't really qualified to buy from you, and you find out pretty late that they don't have the budget or they're just not a fit. Well, if you're having any of those challenges, you're not alone. Check out the rest of today's episode to see the three reasons you should join us on November 17th and 18th for the 2nd Annual Landscaper's Modern Sales and Marketing Summit.
This year we're doing it as a two-day virtual summit because we had such a great turnout and great feedback last year.
While in-person events are great, it's pretty sweet to attend this from your home office. And we send out a gift box with a bunch of cool stuff to help you get your marketing dialed in. So it's fun, and see our website to see how we can send you pizza.
There are three key reasons to attend this Summit...
Reason #1
The first one is to learn current, real, what's working in this market - yes - this year's strategies to retain and recruit top employees. Having talked with hundreds of landscaping company owners about their recruiting challenges, I'll bet you're making the key mistake of not effectively marketing or communicating why you are a great place to work. And with my proven copywriting process and through the How to Recruit and Retain Top Employees workshop, you're going to learn how to stand out and communicate with your potential employees so they choose you.
Plus, I'm going to share some of the retention strategies that are working for my clients, and some of the things I've learned from hosting my Mastermind Table at the recent landscape show. If you're not using text messaging as a part of your application process, you're probably making it difficult for many people to apply and they just skip your ads. And that's why I've invited Team Engine, which is a recruiting software for trades businesses to come and do a 15 minute talk on how to use text messaging as part of your recruiting and also employee retention. Additionally, we're going to have a live panel with some green industry experts that I enjoy working with, including Carla, the green industry accountant from Cycle CPA and Stop Landscaping, Start Lifescaping, author, business coach, and landscaping company owner, Monique Allen, who just told me about how she's using internships for people who have no green industry experience to fill her open positions. We'll also have Scott and Kati from the Million Dollar Landscaper podcast, Ramblin Jackson Senior Landscape Marketing Strategist, Robert Felton, along with some of the people from Single Ops on the panel.
So you'll be able to get a lot of value from just asking questions to this group of people.
Reason #2
'The second reason to attend this summit is to increase the number of qualified leads that you're getting while shortening your sales process. Look, I know you don't want more leads. You want to meet with more qualified leads who understand what services you offer, or they understand roughly what budget it's going to cost. And you don't want to have to waste a ton of time meeting with people, so I'm going to share with you the proven process to eliminate the pure budget shoppers, who are never going to buy from you, that are getting their 11th bid. We're going to weed them out while magnetically attracting people who want to work with you and your company who are your, "Hell Yes!" customer. If you're spending money on marketing that isn't working and you're getting low quality leads through your website, chances are, you're not implementing the strategies from my new book, The Tree of Good Fortune: The Landscaper's Guide to Modern Sales and Marketing.
That's why I'm going to send you a copy of this book and I'm going to send you the workbook that goes along with it and I'll coach you through it at the workshop. So you'll be able to communicate your branding and differentiation. Your Foundational Four. So that way your website, your local SEO online reviews are generating more qualified leads. Listen, I want you to make more money, and that's why in the Stop Losing on Price workshop, we're going to share with you how our clients are charging more and making more profits, so that way you can finally earn what you're worth.
Reason #3
Now, you're probably still thinking, oh, well, I'm so busy. I can't go to this. I don't even want more qualified leads. I just want to go to sleep. Snap out of it! Because reason number three, is you're going to increase your efficiency using technology and automation.
What if, instead of you personally explaining, either on the phone or in meetings with a client, the information that they would need to know how much landscaping is actually going to cost? What if instead of that, you had a five minute video that every single customer watched that saved you 30 minutes from every sales call?
I'm going to share with you how to make one of those videos, and I'm even going to send you a gift box that has a tripod, and a smartphone clip, so you can start making this video and employee testimonial videos to help with your recruiting. Not only can video give you a lot of leverage, but using software and leveraging your CRM can save you a lot of time and it can give more time to your employees to do the things that you can't automate. And I'm super excited to announce that Jay Worth from Single Ops will be giving a presentation on how to use business software, to automate things in your business and get the best leverage.
Last year was an incredible experience. We had landscaping companies from all over the country come. Some of them just came, just the owner. Some people invited their leadership team, their operations manager, their sales and marketing people. So I invite you to do the same. Bring the people in your company and invest some time into seriously marketing your business at a higher level. Bringing your recruiting to the next level, so you actually stand out and finally get a response to your job ads. What if you learned one thing that helped you retain a key employee? That could happen at this event.
Now I promise this is not going to be a two day long boring webinar. In fact, this is going to be interactive. It's going to be fun. We're going to send you a gift box. We're going to have breakout Mastermind sessions where you can meet with people who are similar to you, over Zoom.
We're going to have a live panel where you will be able to ask questions. We're going to send you a print workbook and lots of goodies in the mail. So I'd love to see you there, and I have a limited time bonus, where I'll be personally doing website reviews during the event of the people who attend to see if you're implementing the strategies from my book. But I probably can't do it for everyone, so I'm going to do it in the order that you buy your ticket. So go order yours at landscapersummit.com, and be sure to go there soon, because we have some early bird and advanced ticket pricing.
My name's Jack Jostes and thanks so much for watching this video. I look forward to seeing you at the LandscaperSummit.com